Monday, September 26, 2011

The Front v. The Back

Tonight is Mason's last night as a 4-year-old. Since he will awake as a strong and mighty 5-year-old, I thought I'd share his current professional aspiration.

But to really share the story I need to disclose that it involves bad smells. So, if that may offend you, well then you've never lived in a house overrun by boys. Of course I have. Always have and apparently always will. So, I'm comfortable with poop, vomit, and all manner of toilet talk.

At the close of the night I was reading stories to Mason when he passed gas. My goodness! That boy smells bad when he wants to. Anyway, I think I might have said something like, "Mason! How can you stand to smell yourself." To which he shrugged his shoulders and explained he doesn't mind the smell of farts.

Astounded, I suggested he pursue a career in proctology. When he asked what a proctologist was I ineloquently replied, "A doctor of butts. Specifically buttholes, and everything inside your body that you get to through that opening." Go ahead, be horrified at the way I speak to my children.

After the giggling subsided he pensively said, "I wouldn't like that. But I wouldn't mind being a pee doctor." So there you go, after generations of plumbers it seems the family business will soon be urology.

PS -- I promise to pay tribute to his awesomeness tomorrow in a reflection befitting his birthday.


Claudia said...

At least he knows his limits! Happy, happy birthday to you, Mason!

Glenda said...

Mason, you are one handsome, awesome 5 year old!

PS: too funny, word verification "imolder" Must be in Mas's honor.

emma nelson said...

He's wonderful. He can be anything he wants. Just let us know how his hand is. Happy B-day 5 yr. old!