Growing up in a house of busy bodies -- there were five of us -- I heard the words, "Julia, stay on task!" all. the. time. I think this was my mother's way of saying, "My head is about to spin around seven times before exploding into the sky, would you put your damn shoes on." Just a thought.
After hearing it about 6,750 times it became part of my vocabulary -- for better or for worse. I basically say it to Cooper and Mason when they start a project and then loose their little attentions to another shining object. So it should come as no surprise that when I employed Cooper to help me with cutting out the 26 pieces of his costume -- a long and arduous process -- I heard him realign himself with...
"Oh Man! I'm way off task."
PS -- I won't bore you with Halloween nonsense anymore, well, until Oct. 1, 2011.
Hey, but isn't it great that he could monitor himself.
We all sound like our mothers!! and isn't it great!! you have a great mother as do I!
What a little smartie pants. I love him.
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