Saturday, May 14, 2011

That's Hot

We've had both snow this week as well as temps in the 70s. On our way to the golf course we passed a family walking on the side of the road and the two young girls were dressed head to toe in fleece. It's been cold enough that I can understand why a parent would make this clothing choice. But it was hot enough at that very moment that I instantly got sweaty on behalf of those little gals and said, "Whew they've got to be hot!"

Coop piped up from the backseat, "Wait, what kind of hot?"

And I, in shock, demanded, "Wait, what kinds of hot do you know about?"

Mason said, "Steaming hot."

I tried to lead the conversation to safe topics with, "And spicy hot."

Then I glanced in the rearview mirror in time to catch Cooper's mischievous grin and he slyly said, "And kissy hot."

O. M. G.


Glenda said...

LOL He can't possibly be old enough to have figured that out, can he..

Connie said...

Julie . . .
your boys are so dang funny. I got a good laugh from this one . . . watch out girls here they come!!!

Katlyn said...

Kissy hot - hilarious

Claudia said...

That. Was. Awesome.

Kirk Fam said...

SOOOOOOOOOOO Funny! I love it - you are going to have your hands full!

laurel said...

That is great!