I wouldn't dream of boring you with my thoughts concerning heritage. But suffice it to say I've actually thought about it many times and in great details. Like I said before, I will spare you that, for now. But what I will not spare you is the idea that occasionally I feel more Swedish than others. Every year I vow that I will try to stay in the Christmas spirit until January 14--Knut's Day--the day in Sweden appointed to discard the Christmas tree and devour all the edible decorations.
While I dream that this is quite an occasion, I wake up Dec. 29 with an overwhelming desire to take down that damn tree... and the garlands... and the lights... and the hurricanes filled with glass ornaments... and the miniature trees... and the numerous creches... and...
So despite that fact that my heart palpitates every time I see an IKEA, I might not be as Swedish as I wish. But I am still toying with the idea of dressing as "Old Knut" and playing practical jokes on my kids. Because seriously, how fun is that?!?!!? And like a good Swede, I do make a promise to my big 'ol artificial tree that we will be reunited in one year -- for better, or for worse. Now, give me the vacuum and get out of my way.