I'm mad at you!
That's not funny!
I don't have to!
Don't! Want! To!
You not my friend!
This is basically what I hear all day, every day from Mason's sweet little lips. Yes, the cherub is no longer pensive, just obstinate. Oh, and he has a temper.
I honestly don't know where he gets it.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm laughing, too. Steve and I are two of the most stubborn, cantankerous, even mulish people on this green Earth. Seriously I know people have muttered jack ass after dealing with (or golfing with) both or one of the other of us. It's the truth. On the flip side of the coin, one of us is a tormenter.
Yep, a big tease. And this, my friends, is a big freaking genetic liability. Of the worst kind, if you ask me. And So Cooper has inherited the absolute compunction to provoke, bother, and otherwise upbraid his little brother's little lot in life.
Get where I'm going with this? Mason can't take a joke. Cooper pesters him and then ...
I'm mad at you!
That's not funny!
I don't have to!
Don't! Want! To!
You not my friend!
This always ends in tears, and very often blood. I would say, HELP ME. But something tells me, this is my penance.
I don't know how many times I have told myself: "You can't get mad at the kids for being that way...you are the one that gave it to them." LOL
Hee hee hee. Funny. Aren't families great?!
Things do have a way of working out like that. Like if I ever have a son, I'm going to be really excited to teach him how to play baseball and basketball. But he'll probably end up liking soccer.
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