The chase is on for old LEGO blocks. We got a tip that the most economical way to purchase LEGOs is at garage sales. Generally I don't like garage sales because I'm insanely uncomfortable bargaining, or negotiating, or haggling over prices. Also, I have a strong sense of smell and being able to smell other people on other people's things kinda makes me sick. But this isn't about my neurosis, it's about Coop's.
I shared with Coop this great tip that I would be hunting LEGOs in garage sales. Our neighborhood, and the one next to it have special garage sale signs. I pointed them out to Coop a few weeks ago. Every once in a while I drive by one and call out my window to see if they have LEGOs. So far, no luck.
Today Coop got serious about it. From his perch in the backseat he pointed out every garage sale sign we encountered. We spent a good hour garage sale-ing. No LEGOs. But we scored an old-school Battleship game. It is in mint condition. We spent the remainder of the day trying to teach him about coordinates and hits.
I guess that leaves garage sale-ing for another day.
PS -- Coop is so excited for his upcoming adventure he can hardly stand it. Who's interested in seeing him while he's traveling?
Of course we want to see Coop travel! I haven't been to a garage sale for years. Jay took me to a few when we were first married. But, I have a thing about smell too. Guess Lego's really aren't pourous so I guess they can't have a smell.
I would love to keep tabs on Coop's adventure...and if GoGo can bum a ride to SLC over the next week, maybe Laurel and I could take him to McDonalds with the Over the Hill gang. Anybody out there traveling from IF to SLC next week?
Yes, of course. Coop adventuring into the world to explore is awesome. Post the pics!
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