Calling all cousins. Now's your chance to win fame and prizes in the Cousin Camp Essay Contest. Take a few days to think about your favorite memory with Cooper and the cousins (from the past week) then put your thoughts to paper [e-mail] and send them to me. Good Luck.
Official Rules and Regulations:
All grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles of Cooper who also reside in Utah are eligible for the essay contest. You must submit all essays on or before, June 28, 2008.
All literary forms including essays will be accepted (i.e., poems, haikus, video montages, photo essays).
Each essay must reflect the contestant's own research, writing and original thinking.
More than one essay (or alternate literary form) may be submitted by each contestant, but only one will be selected as a winner.
Essays may be typed or handwritten, or even sang.
Essays will not be returned to the author; they become property of crazy Aunt Hooli. She may reprint the essays in blogs or scrapbooks and use them at family reunions. Appropriate citations will be given to the writers.
Crazy Aunt Hooli will judge the essays using five criteria.
1. Meaningful, relevant memory including Cooper.
2. Number of details.
3. How hard I laugh, or cry.
4. Originality of work.
5. Cooper's recollection of the same experience.
One first-place winner will be selected as the overall winner of a prize (yet to be determined, but likely a small gift certificate to an ice cream shop). The winning essay will also be published here, 3 Men and a Lady blog.
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