I have 3 mosquito bites and another bug bite that came from a big gigantic bug that we have not identified. The bite is a little like a blister rather than a mosquito bump. The kids seem to be free of bites.
We had a joyful day in Yellowstone yesterday. We saw bison from our car. They were really close to the car. But we think the elevation got to the baby because he cried when we tried to drive up to the continental divide.
After the drive through the park we stopped at a Dairy Queen in West Yellowstone for an afternoon treat. Mason had some vanilla ice cream. Yes, I know ... Way sooner than I should give it to him. Then we stopped at a local bookstore to get a little book for the drive back to the cabin.
Then we headed out on Henry's Lake in the boat. Cooper and Mason loved the noise and spray on the back bench of the boat. But when we stopped to fish, mason got a bit cross. Cooper thought fishing was very interesting and I think he asked grandpa b and uncle andrew why they couldn't catch anything... He he he. Couldn't have been all his questions breaking the silence?
Home again to the cabin where we rolled into bed and sacked out.
I'll post scary story about the crib later.
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