On a recent trip to the museum the boys were happy to be taking a break in the atrium. We were eating the lunch we brought with us -- kalamata olives with "rocks", cheetoz asteroids, yogurt, strawberries, tortilla wraps with apples and cheese, and gatorade [cooper helped pack it, can you tell?] -- when a group of students walked by. By group I mean the entire freaking school in somewhat of a single line. It went on for miles. At first Cooper sat in his chair just staring at them, and then he moved under the table and stared. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking: These teenagers are cool/big/scary/loud. I wish I was in school. Where will I stand in line when I'm in school, and who will stand next to me?
Of course the line didn't even pique Mason's interest. Still working on sippy cup.
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