Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Night at Eddie V's

Dear Cooper and Mason,
I had a very exciting dinner tonight in which I saw first-hand why living in TX is kinda yucky. Daddy and I went to dinner at a fairly fancy restaurant in downtown Austin. While we were eating our salads the couple sitting next to our table started to get skittish and jumped up and pointed to the cieling.
What do you think was up there?
A cockroach! A huge, huge cockroach! So nasty. It was crawling across the ceiling and stopped directly over daddy's head.
I couldn't stand it anymore, so I got up from the table. Eventually the big 'ol bug made its way into the crown moulding. Dad kept his cool through the whole scene. But mommy was creeped out.
Now, what's this I hear about you staying up past your bedtimes? Don't give grandma a hard time. Be good boys!
Love you!

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