Monday, June 25, 2007

Where's Gwammaw?

Sadly, Grandma GoGo had to fly home today. Cooper got so excited about driving out to the airport to see the planes, however, that he fell asleep and missed saying his farewells. When he woke up, two houses away from home, he said, "Where's gwammaw?" Upon hearing the answer, cried miserably. Thus ensued a lengthy explanation including points highlighted below:

Mom: Did you miss your mommy when she was gone?
Coop: Yeeeaaes.

Mom: Grandma gogo is a mommy too.
Coo: Raised eyebrows.

Mom: Her baby is Uncle Andrew. And he misses her, so she had to go home.
Coop: More raised eyebrows and an oh, OK.

So, in tribute to Uncle Andrew who let us share his mommy this week... here are some photos from his recent BIG DAY.

Really exciting stuff:

Pre-open the envelope jitters:

Cooper combed his hair for the occasion:

Ack, the moment is here:

Actually captures the moment Andrew stutters out Costa Rica:

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