Saturday, October 25, 2008

Daddy, I Leaf You

Why might you need all this protective gear?

To participate in sick, twisted game involving yards of leaves, a leaf blower, and a creative dad/son team. I'm sure you get the idea. Cooper would run in the leaves while Steve blew more leaves toward him with the leaf blower. Don't turn us into the child protective services, he really enjoyed it.


Glenda said...

This looks like one of the best moments ever....

Claudia said...

Are you kidding? That looks awesome! To have a constant pile of leaves to jump in (instead of having to rake them back into place after a few jumps)...that is fall heaven!

laurel said...

We love leaves....wish park hill and more trees to shed leaves. My kids looked at Coop with jealousy. They wished they were there. Love all the protective gear....darling.