If you're unfamiliar with Mad Gab the object is to read aloud a series of unrelated words, names, places. For example, "Pine This Guy." Say it enough times and eventually it will sound like, "Pie in the sky." While I adore this game I've only played it a handful of times because my husband absolutely hates it.
Today Mason repeatedly said something like, "Buzz Needs His Receipt." Then he frantically waved his hands, folded his arms, and patted his head. Following this series of Turret's like motion he jumps up and then falls to all fours. We are stumped. Any ideas?
PHOTO NOTE: Mason wears this costume day and night. He plays and plays and plays until he falls asleep. I pull it down so that he won't overheat while he's napping. Thanks Auntie Suzie.
My twin girls are going through this same phase! I can tell you that NO NANA CANNY is "No banana! I want candy!" but can't help you with the Buzz line : )
So cute! He may grow out of that suit before he takes it off.
Glad that Mason gets his equivalent of Cooper's Batman costume!
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