Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Death by Cookie

Just when you thought the new me was going to shed all my bad habits...
I found some cookies in the freezer. (You know how we feel about cookies!) To say I don't know how old they are would be a lie. They were shaped like jack-o-lanterns and had black sugar all over them. But I will say this, I have NO idea where they came from. Which, now that I think about it, brings up the age question, again. Could be fro 06, not 07 as I once believed. Did that stop me from eating one myself -- just to make sure they weren't rancid -- and then feeding them to my kiddies? NO. This "new me" business is a total farce.
But the old me loved the cookie and loved taking pictures of the boys as they ate their cookies. Aren't you glad there is still a little of the old me left?


Glenda said...

Just a note about a previous posting during the test drive write-up. Ten years does not a pre-teen make. If I'm not mistaking the coop will be fourteen. Keep smiling JB. You were fourteen when you were that age.

kirkzanne said...

M looks a little glassy eyed in the first pic! I think he's had his full dose of sugar today...

laurel said...

The black mouths are so gross! Perfect boyness. Love it. We have eaten old stuff before. As I see it, can sugar really go bad? Glad there is some old you left.