Monday, April 28, 2008

Test Drive, Part II

Our family was on special assignment this morning. We were car shopping. Not for a car that will find its way to our garage, but for my father's dream car. (Dad, when Coop saw the black version he gasped, "Oh my gosh, it's the batmobile!). The task took us to two dealerships. I would say the first car we looked at today was the better of the two. But it's probably a matter of personal opinion.
The boys loved the adventure and Cooper fully thought he was going to get to ride in the "race car." Alas, that was not his fate. As my husband pulled away from the dealership in the fancy, Victory Red Corvette Cooper teared up and his chin promptly dropped to his chest. He was devastated.By the time we made it to the second dealership the boys had figured out the routine. But Mason took greater interest in the flowers planted at the entrance to the car lot. He pointed and said flowers! Pretty amazing. I think it was the first time he said that word. He was also more interested in the screaming yellow Hummer parked next to the Corvette.Naturally there was a fair amount of talk along the lines of, "Now you need to get one for yourself." That's funny. Car seats + Corvettes = Bad, Bad, Bad. Then car dealer guy would say, "Well, maybe in 10 years." I was thinking, are you kidding!?!?!? I'll have a pre-teen who will salivate over a car like this. Not on your life! Then I was thinking, "He just rode his bike for the first time I'm not ready to think about him driving a car for the first time." Good luck, dad. Hope you find the car of your dreams.


laurel said...

That is so sad that Coop cried when his daddy left him. Couldn't he have gone least around the parking lot. A corvette? I remember when grandpa, got the convertable (not even close to a corvette) they were about the same age. Men?

kirkzanne said...

Did I miss part I somewhere? I don't want to miss anything! It's dangerous to even look at this kind of thing.

Elle said...

So seriously, you guys are getting this car? Man, that is a HOT HOT HOT car! SWEET!

lynnie said...

I would find a way to make the car-seats fit!!!!