Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Gag Reel

Do you ever watch the gag reel at the end of a movie? I love those things! BUT, I must say the gag reel of my life is really gaggy. Today I caught Cooper chewing on something. I asked him what he was eating and he said, "A booger!"
OK, I'm speachless.
Then about 4 hours later I asked him to eat two spoonfuls of mashed potato, 1 bite of beef, and about 12 peach cubes (this is the nightly negotiation for dinner). He proceeded to gag, retch, gasp, heave, keck, strain, and struggle to make me believe he just couldn't handle the smell of the food. He literally said over and over again, "I smell something! It's making me cough, mommy." Whatever. Mind you, as soon as I pulled out the strawberry shortcake he got really hungry. Guess who had to eat 7 bites of beef!?!?!?!?
Dear Son, sometimes the initial offer is the best offer. Don't try negotiating with mom, she's seen all your cards.
Now, on the other end of the spectrum I have sweet little Mason. He eats everything we put in front of him... unless it is in a bottle. More success with the sippy cup today.

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