Just this morning I prepared him breakfast and set him at the counter with his sippy cup. Then I left the room to change Mason’s diaper. I came back and found Cooper trying to drink out of his sippy cup using his feet. I said, USING HIS FEET. Of course I had to take a picture.
This behavior was followed by an entire day of him using his feet to do various tasks including turning on and off the TV, picking up toys, pointing out objects, and my personal favorite – flicking a Kleenex in my general direction.
Oh my boys. If I’m not careful they’ll qualify for a new classification of primate.
Today was a great day – despite the windy weather that kept us inside. I started my day at 5:30 a.m. This was not as bad as you might think. I was able to get a few loads of laundry finished and clean the kitchen (including oven). I also wrote e-mails to a few of my friends and neighbors… all before the boys woke up at 7:30. Maybe I’ll try that again sometime, just not anytime soon.
There was a lot of napping at the house today – except by me. Not sure what brought on all the sleepiness. Could have been the fun adventure to Red Robin we took with our good friends Sarah and Ellie. Cooper had so much fun he hardly noticed his pants had fallen off. (see picture)
We ended our night at the library. We had 3 overdue movies that I meant to return. Forgot every single last one of them at home. Oooops. But picked out some more interesting books about fish and bugs in preparation for Earth Day.
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